✾ Hanatsu Amirah- Hana or Amirah ✾
✾ Sept 25 1993 | Libra | Blood-type O ✾
✾ Caramel | Cheese | Chocolate | Whipped cream ✾
✾ Asian culture-fashion | Makeup | Animangame | Roleplay ✾
✾ Cosplay began 2010 | Hijab cosplay 2015 | Hijab Lolita✾
✾ Bipolar and DID | super proud of it - named Haine ✾
✾ "I do what I want, what I want I will do" ✾
Welcome to my blog, where I spent most of my time
coding the skin, ranting about life and sharing opinions, tutorials and reviews.
Luka Megurine - Senbonzakura
By Aki The Photobug and His Den of Goodies, 2016